9 Ball is a horse of a different color when it comes to pool. Some see it as less fun because it is seen as a little less fair... if youre on the losing end that is.
You see, 9 Ball differs from 8 ball in that it is a faster, more cut-throat kind of game. A feverish sprint where as 8 ball has more of a mellow walk through the park feel to it.
The object of 9 ball is to be the person to get the 9 ball in a pocket on a legal shot. And really nothing else matters. Lots of strategy is required to pull this off though... Allow me to explain:
The balls one through nine are racked together tightly in a diamond formation at the end of the table. There are special racks available on the market to make this easier on the person racking the balls. As always the 9 ball is placed in the center of the rack, surrounded by the other balls. The one ball is always in the very front.
Only solid balls are on the table and you are both trying to be the one to get to shoot in the 9.
If you manage to get the 9 ball in on the break you win automatically, otherwise there are a few rules you will have to follow in order to get the chance to put the 9 ball in:
You must hit the lowest ball on the table first. That is, if you make nothing in on the break, you must shoot the one ball first. If you make that ball in, you get to take another shot... moving to the next lowest ball on the table.
If you dont make the ball in that you are aiming for, or you scratch, your turn is over and your opponent gets to try it.
IF-however you dont make contact with the lowest ball on the table at all, then your opponent gets what is called Ball in hand.
In that case he or she gets to put the cue ball anywhere on the table that they want. Obviously this is going to be a bad thing for you, because if they use it correctly... giving them ball-in-hand just once will cost you the game. Remember, you only have to shoot in 9 balls between you, not 15... so every turn is crucial!
Now say your opponent took the break. If no balls went in its your turn... If you cant reach the 1 ball (The ball youre going to have to hit first) you can take what is called a Push Out.
That is where you shoot the cue ball hitting any ball on the table that you want (or no ball at all) as long as you dont scratch. After you do that your opponent can either take the shot you left for them, or make you shoot again. Your object in doing that is to leave them a shot that they are going to want to take for themselves.
Its not likely that the person youre playing is going to be able to clear all 8 balls off the table AND then shoot in the 9 ball also... (Unless youre playing a pro) so you get the advantage by letting them clear off a few balls for you first.
Now heres the final spin on the game--- You dont Have to clear all 8 balls off the table before you shoot in the 9 ball...
You Do however have to stay true to the rules that Ive already listed.
Heres a senario:
No balls were made in on the break. Your opponent has shot in balls one, two, three, and four. Its your turn. If the 9 ball can be made in on a combination shot you can take it!!!
That means that if you can use the five ball (the next ball you have to hit) to make the 9 ball in... DO IT! and the game is yours!
This is why I say it is sometimes not seen as a fair game to the one who loses...
It doesnt matter if you knock in all 8 balls, if your opponent makes the 9 ball in, he or she has won. End of story...
Its all about the 9-ball!