I have ordered a sofa on 10th May with 2 week delivery commitment. Still not delivered ...they have failed 8 delivery dates started from 25th May. They dont bother to inform you about any delay. When you call , they will just give you a new date shamelessly (they pick only 10% of your call , so you to have call 10 times minimum to speak once).
They have a huge library of excuses and shamelessly they can use anyone from that. ... Vendor short supplied of fabric chosen by you, your job is half done and need 1 day to complete after 2 days ....Fabric chosen by you is not available in the market, we are looking for alternative vendor. In between they will force you to change design/fabric, with immediate delivery (2-3days) commitement and again same game... not sure about quality , but I have already compromised with original requirement to get a delivery ...still waiting..
My advise will be "Stay away" P.S : I am rating it with one star, because I can not submit my review with any rating.