We agreed with the dealer before raising quotation and he said if you pay Maruti and they confirm the payment received we will give you the car just in step 1.
But the actual story was someting else.
we paid maruti as per NRI scheme but and received confirmation send back to dealer step 1 finished.
when this procedure finished, they make a step 2 says on available fo delivery order we will issue car.
when we negotiate with Maruti NRI and send them delivery order they make step 3 the payment is still not transfer to populer wheelers so we conld not give you deliver.
After that they made step 4 if you give payment of 4900 INR for handling charge than and than only we will give you car.
My Dad has paid that 4900 INR and then they are making another excuse step 5 paper work is not finished.
Popular wheelers is complete useless dealers.
MARUTI NRI give you the best support for the activity yes they are not so good in email reply when you fill their reprot or send them email they never reply you.
but they are good on phone if you contact them than they will do your work but need to chase them all time .