Pornography is the graphic, sexually explicit subordination of women in pictures or in words. Pornography should be banned as a THREAT TO WOMEN as it dehumanizes women into sex objects.The sick people who buy pornography fail to understand that women in porn movies are forced into it and involuntarily do it, but the porn addicts think that they like to be treated like that, this has become a major threat to women.Rape, sexual abuse and other sex related crimes like women forced into prostitution are consequences of the rise of the porn industry. Pornography is victimizing millions of women around the world and is responsible for presenting women as whores by nature and objects of sexual assault who enjoy pain and humiliation which is WRONG.Women are not looked at with respect due to pornography and are seen as objects of pornography and men are by far its largest consumers.Violent sexual criminals accused of rapes and domestic abuse have had a high exposure to pornography since their adolescence and that carried on with them during their lifetime. Is PORNOGRAPHY wrong or right ? this question comes to the mind of everyone, i have found that many different people have many different opinions on this topic, even I was not totally convinced at a point of time whether I was for or against porn but inspite of being a teenaged boy I do believe that girls should be treated the same way as boys. A part of me does see porn as dehumanizing women but then again. All of us know that the porn industry has reached its zenith, many women enter prostitution under helplesness and force but the number of women embracing prostitution voluntarily is increasing, women are taking up prostitution as they have been physically and emotionally abused or their homes have broken, these women do not have any self respect for themselves, thay do it to pay their bills? or because their are no well paying jobs for women?I mean who forces them to take their clothes off in front of the camera? Now, on the other side, I feel that women should be able to control their own bodies, minds, and herself. If she chooses to do this, then so be it. Shouldnt an adult woman be able to make her own choices? Where does the power of choice end? They can choose their clothes, their cars, their hair color, so why shouldnt they be able to choose what they do with their own bodies? There are many different opinions on pornography like I have listed, and even many others, and I have found there is no right or wrong answer. The only answer is the one inside yourself.