Being Born and Brought Up in this Beautiful place, ;All the Adjectives that one uses to describe the beauty of this place will fall short when one visits Andaman & Nicobar Isles.It looks as if Mother Nature has Blessed Andaman & Nicobar Isles Abundantly!!!!It rains almost the whole Year..But Dont u think that getting Drenched in the Rain is Better than being out there in the Hot Sun!!!Andaman and Nicobar Group consists of 300 Islands..out of which 25 are only are habitated!!....The rest are still left to be Explored....The capital of Andaman & Nicobar Isles is PortBlair...There are main 5 different tribes ..One can get more information about them from Anthropological Museum in PortBlair..The Long Stretch of Beaches are clean adorned by the Corals... Those interested in taking the Water Sports can go for Scuba Diving, snorkeling, .
....People are very Friendly!!! and one can very well approach any Authorized Travel Agency to get any information about the Tour/Travel Pacakages.....
Well..thats all Folks.....Hope that u guys out there will surely Enjoy the Trip to one of the most Beautiful and UnPolluted Place in the World!!!!