And I would be the one...
Have you ever noticed how a few words can contain so much meaning?
The wish of a lover to be the one, to be the most important thing in a persons life to possess and overpower all senses, till there is nothing but love...
Sounds romantic? Beyond that. It sounds passionate and along with the amazing effect of Sarah McLachlans voice and the great music, the over all effect is one of Possession... As the figure in the song seeks to possess the one he loves, the music seeks to possess you, and does so very easily.
The first time I listened to this song, I listened to it from the point of view of a woman, and my initial reaction was.. Well, what a passionate woman! That almost sounded like something a man would say.
Thats when I found out what exactly Sarah MchLachlan had in mind while writing the song, and believe the song takes on a whole new meaning. From simple romance, it goes on into wild passion and obsession , and from sweet, almost turns into scary...
Does that diminish the songs effect? No. If anything, it only increased my admiration for Sarah McLachlans amazing ability as a song writer and as a human being to put herself in someone elses shoes.
Now all of you may be wondering, what am I talking about?
Let me end the suspense... Sarah McLachlan said in an interview, that she was writing this song from the point of view of a man, who is in love with a woman to the point of obsession. Her own experience with a psychotic obsessed fan inspired her to write this, and although she suffered from the danger she was constantly in, what amazes me is her ability to turn this fear into words, and into music, in a way to exorcise all the demons of fear and free herself perhaps through the words...
The empathy she shows is beyond compare.
But the next time I listened to Possession I was amazed. Yes, the song becomes almost scary, but all the more intense. Her voice pierces to your very soul and your filled with awe, at the purity of her voice and the depth of the lyrics which are written in a bold honesty. Since I first heard this song, I cant get enough of it, and of Sarah Mclachlans music. The music is soft and echoes through your mind at least for quite some time after youve listened to it. This is one song with an amazing impact.
Sarah MchLachlans style is one that appeals to the tastes of certain people. It may grow on you, or it may not. But if you feel you can appreciate songs with depth, or have admiration for terrific song writers, this on is for you. And while Im only writing about her one song here, her albums are full of deep soul touching music, in which you can drown and never get enough of.
This particular album , Fumbling towards Ecstasy, has several other amazing songs like Ice Cream, where love is almost compared to ice cream, or Ice which seems to tell of a woman trapped in an abusive relationship, or in psychological dependence.
Sarah Mclachlan seems to explore the human mind and soul in her songs.
So now, I think Ive said enough...
Stop reading, and go and find out what this is all about.. Its unusual for sure, but you may find yourself possessed by the music...