As almost knows that This Engineering college is located in the HEART of Vijaywada city. It is one of the top college in Krishna district. In this college, the courses offered are same as that of many Engineering colleges like ECE, EEE, CSE, MECH, CE. Post graduate courses are MBA and this college is affliated to AICTE, New Delhi. And JNTUK. And in this college there are many facilities like Digital Library, Transportation facility, Good infrastructure, sports facility and Campus placements to the students. The digital library facility can be accessesed by every student in the college timings, and the books available in the library are upto date. The transportation facility was also good to this college in both college wise as well as by RTC also. And the infrastructure of the college was also good. And there is INDOOR STADIUM sports facility like volleyball, badminton and some other sports to the sports perons and campus placments to the aspirants of job purpose students, many companies come for the working personnels. Main thing of class facility was simply good and the teaching faculty was also well educated and friendly to students. And there are many other activities like Engineers day, JIGNASA, Annual day, Auditorium for many events and ALUMNI of old students. This is the full review of PSCMR college. Thank you