Year : 2020
Place : Two Americans at IBM, USA.
Currency Conversion Rate:Rs. 1/- = $100/-
Bill :Hi Bush, you didnt come yesterday to office?
Bush :Yeah, I was in Indian Embassy for stamping.
Bill :Oh really, what happened, I heared that nowadays it has become very strict Bush :Yeah, but I manage to get it.
Bill :How long it took to get it stamped?
Bush :Oh, it was nasty man, long queue.Bill Gates was standing infront of me and they played with him like anything.Thats why it got delayed.I went their at 2:00am itself and waited and returned by 4:00pm
Bill :Really? In India, it is a matter of an hour to get stamped for USA.
Bush :Yeah, but that is because who in India will be interested in coming to USA man, their economy has been booming.
Bill :So, when are you leaving?
Bush :Anytime, after receiving my tickets from the client in India and you know, I will be getting chance to fly Air-India.......sort of dream come true.
Bill :How long are you going to stay in India?
Bush :What do you mean by how long?I will be in India, my company has promised me that they will process my Hara Patta(green card)
Bill :Really, lucky person man, It is very difficult to get a hara patta in India Bush :Yeah, thats why, I am planning to marry a Indian girl there.
Bill :But you can find lots of USA girls in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Mumbai.
Bush :But I prefer Indian girls because they are beautiful and cultured.
Bill :Where did you get the offer, Hyderabad
Bush :Yeah, salary is good there, but cost of living is quite high, it is Rs.1000 for a single room accommodation.
Bill :I see, thats too much for US people, Rs 1=$100, Oh God!!!!!!
Bill :How are you going to cope up with their language?
Bush :Why not?From my school days I have been learning hindi as my first language here at New York.At the consolate they tested my proficiency in Hindi and were quite impressed by cent percent score in TOHIL (Test Of Hindi As International Language)
Bill :Ok , Good luck Bush....I hope to join you someday...wish me luck!
I have read this article somewhere in a magazine and the conclusion of this vision was....................
Dont think it is a dream .......
Let us work hard to make this dream possible in real life............
And my question to you all is CAN WE?
I think WE CAN!!
What we need is unity, hardwork and determination.
To achieve our goals we should be united and work together.
Together we can and we will!!!!!!!
But today what ever we are..I am proud of it....
I am proud to be an Indian.
Do you know who is the co-founder of SUN Microsystems?
Vinod Indian
Who is the creator of pentium chip?
Vinod Indian
38% of doctors in USA are Indians.
12% of scientists in USA are Indians.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
17% of Intel scientists are Indians.
There is a famous quote by Albert Einstein:
We owe alot to Indians, who thought us how to count without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
So, lets try to make our dreams come true within time by dedication and hardwork
Work from time to time because sixty seconds in a minute the whole eternity in it.