This cartoon is very good for child
mostly for girls I dont know why but I like it very much
i think that those who have made this show he is very intelligent
this cartoon teach us many thing
this cartoon is not only for time pass but this cartoon is for our life beacuse in this cartoon there is many kind of lesson for kids
in this cartoon every character is very good in colour, dress and also in style.
every one like this my friends my relatives etc
but some time some episode is is boring but then also people like it
but that boring episode also teach many things for kid
i think this is a good cartoon for school, girls
actually this cartoon is for al ages
specially I like bubbles
because she is very cute and I like her hair style
all chatacter is good
and I hope that this cartoon will keep on going very well
this cartoon is made like this that the people can say that what a good cartoon
infact this is my favourite cartoon
and I hope you al will like that what I have written about power puff girls