Jan 03: the title says it all. I just got it installed a few hrs back and I already hate it. waste of money. dont ever go for it. this is not BROADBAND as they claim. Its supp 2 be slightly faster than dial up... BUT IT IS NOT. rediff takes 2 mins, yahoo games doesnt work, msn may work if u r lucky. just dont believe a word they say. this is one thing u dont need. use dial up of vsnl and smile.
Sep 05: I had paid up for 3 yrs so have been suffering since then. When MTNL launched their broadband service I took that up even though 11-12 months of my Powersurfer connection still remain. For most of these 3 years I made atleast 7-8 calls to them to compalin for no connection, bad connection, etc, etc. Previously when it worked I could do a coice chat but since last 3 months it has gotten worse and now I cant even do a voice chat (because of which I took MTNL tri band .. its awesome)
Do not ever consider Powersurfer. Its more like Powerless Sufferer.