PPSSPP PSP Emulator is good PSP games emulator for android mobiles. It is around 25 mb for downloading. It helps you to play many psp games in your mobile by downloading .iso or .cso game fimes. It shows virtual joystick for many games. I personally played Dragon ball Z and Tekken 6.
Pros :
1) Supports many big games of psp such as Dragon ball Z, GTA Vice city, GTA liberty city, Tekken6, Final Fantacy.
2) Easy to use not too dificult just download .iso and copy in your memory location.
3) Supports almost all high configuration mobiles.
4) Work same as PSP Graphics.
5) Audio quality is very good not as sony but comparable.
Cons :
1) It runs with best with only high configuration mobiles atleast 2 gb ram mobiles for smooth performance.
2) Mobile heat after lots of gaming.
3) It does not support on Galaxy S7 mobile.
4) ARMv6 based devices not work properly.
5) Most PSP games available with japanese language so try to download games with english language.
6) It shows app in this free version.
Over all good app for psp experiance. I will give 3 out of 5 for this app.