Calling Doctors and waiting for an appointment is really a headache at times. I am the kind of person who loves getting everything on my fingertip. Practo is a blessing when it comes to Doctor Appointments. There’s no need of calling the hospital and going through IVR’s or asking the call attendant as to what will be the appointment timing.
On Practo, you can select your own time slot as mentioned by the doctor on their app page. We can also select the date we want the appointment for. Practo gives the option to search for a specialist that you are looking for. So if you have a skin problem, you just need to type your requirement on the Find & Book space.
Practo also has the facility for members to ask free questions on the app so that a minor/general thing can be solved by just a specialist’s answer.
Last time you used Practo, you selected and booked an appointment with a doctor and really want to make her/him your doctor for the specific thing. Practo has the space that says ‘My Doctors’ wherein every doctor is saved with whom you have booked an appointment in the past.
This app/website is really very handy for people like me who doesn’t like spending time over the phone for an appointment.