Practo is one of the best place where you can search for Doctor for a particular problem. It helps you find the exact place where clinic is and also the timings the Doctor is available. It gives information about all the doctors available in your location.
Also there is a mobile application for android and ios that makes the whole process of searching a doctor hassle free. Recently even the diagnostic centers are also shown that means no need to worry finding a x ray center or blood test center nearby, it gives you all the information.
Also there is a new feature that I recently came across Practo consult where in you can post your problem online and the doctor related to the specific ailment may choose to reply on that and you will get the solution sitting at home.
The only problem I found is its not available for windows phone and also its not expanded in small cities, Hope in future it comes in windows platform and expand to all the cities and make finding doctors way more easier.
Overall the service provided is worth trying out if you dont want to wait in long queues for consulting a doctor and to make the whole process lot more easier because no one likes to wait when they are sick;)
Also worth a mention they ask for your recommendation for the doctor once you had a visit so all your experience with the doctor you can post in so that it will be helpful for the people when they search for a particular doctor online.