A brilliant movie replete with spoofs galore, self deprecating humor, off-topic references, cliches, characters that grow on you, and true-Bambaiyaa-slang word-play, make this a must-see.
Almost of UHF, Hotshots and Kentucky Fried Chicken caliber, but much-much more socially relevant.
To laugh at yourself, is the first sign of maturity, and Id say Bollywood has slowly and steadily, but finally come of age.
The movie revolves around a chawl whose residents lead mundane lives, facing life with a happy-go-lucky attitude. Probe deeper and Ull find the frustrations of hopelessly victimised existence.
The only thing that gives their lives meaning, and keeps them going is the one-ness they feel with the chawl and its other occupants. They almost come to the verge of losing it, courtesy a greedy builder and their (vain but perfectly human) hope of bettering their existence on borrowed dreams.
Repressed feelings pour out during every characters outburst, which reveals something so profound, it will forever change (or at least challenge) your perspectives based on years of preconceived notions.
The language is crude, but was very-very necessary to convey the stark reality of every situation. It might offend some immature purists who believe in What they dont see, does not exist(I mean Cmmon guys, every kid in 9th grade uses such words)
Every incident in the movie is beautifully woven in and blends with the flow of the main story. Nothing ever seems contrived, out of place or jarring.
Each and every performer has literally got under the skin of the character he/she plays, and U might have to remind yourself that its only a movie and not reality-TV.
A fine tribute to the resilience and inner strength of Indias common people. What could be more metaphorical than a guest appearance by RK Laxmans common-man (in flesh-and-blood) summing-up the movie towards the end.