Quick summary of my experience: I incurred damanges worth Rs. 23, 000 when getting household items packed and transferred from pune to bangalore.
For those who need details: I had picked Prasanna movers and packers because they had the lowest quote. Bad decision. The truck arrived at the destination two days later than the planned date. And it came with a lot of items damaged. List of damages: fridge, bike, dinnerware, furniture, idols, cycles, glass, sacks of grain and what not.
I fail to understand how they managed to ruin so many things. I called up and demanded a refund equal to the damages. This was met with a lot of resistance after which I blocked the payment cheque. One representative came in the next day and requested for an estimate of the damage and a mail to someone else in the company. Then they started playing some tricks.
The agent who had taken our order in the first place called up and said he was being fired since we had blocked a bulk of the payment. We held our ground for a few days but succumbed after repeated calls. They settled for a final payment of the agreed amount less five thousand. The agent was back to work but didnt bother to call us, let alone express gratitude for having gone out of the way to save his arse.
After a few more calls the sent someone who said he was from the insurance company. We submitted photographs of the damaged items and the claim. And that is where it still us.
While our effort to recover the damages continues, would like to warn you against trying your luck on this company. Go for some other movers and packers even if they are expensive.