The first few questions that one should put before oneself before deciding the type of connection are given below:
1) Do I really need a cell phone?
2) If yes why do I need it?
3) How often will I be going to use it?
4) What type of calls will I be facing most- incoming or outgoing?
5) How many (average)?
If at all you have fairly definite answers for all thees questions then u will not have any difficulty in making a selection.
The difference between the two types of connections among various service providers is broadly the same. The advantages and disadvantages of the two types are as follows:
Adv - No rental (monthly charges)
Disadv - Call charges comparatively higher (local/std/isd)
adv- Call charges comparatively lower (local/std/isd)
disadv- rental (monthly charges)
So if u are a frequent call maker, go for a post paid conection. However u will have to pay an initilal deposit and hence switching connection will not be quick.
However if ur budget is limited and u are using it mostly for sms, incoming calls or for showing off :-) , u better go for pre paid.
Thats it!!!