Well, this has been a discussion in my home for a few months now, so I guess Ill add my 2 cents worth here.
Pre-paid Using a pre-paid service limits the amount of air time you have to the exact amount of monies you have paid. For example: $35.00 per month on one pre-paid plan, get you 200 minutes a month. Which works out to be 17.5 cents per minute. Now that is for outgoing and/or incoming calls. That works out to be about 3 1/2 hours per month.
Post-paid (Monthly billing). For the same $35.00 per month, you can get 2500 minutes to use on weekends and nights. (9 PM -7AM) and 250 anytime minutes. That works out to be about 1 cent per minute. But the catch is...If you use over the allotted daytime minutes (250), each additional minute is billed at 50 cents per minute! And if you go over the night and weekend minutes (2500) you are billed at 35 cents per minute! And this too is for incoming and/or outgoing calls.
Also, with post-paid, you have to sign a contract for service that ranges from 1-3 years!
Its really a hard decission though. For someone who makes a lot of daytime calls, post-paid is really not a good deal. Yet, if you can make most of your call nights or weekends, youve got it made.
Granted, weve only looked into 2 or 3 different services so far, and there are many out there. But this has really been causing arguments around here.
Im leaning towards the pre-paid service, but then there is another catch. With pre-paid service you have to purchase a phone that comes with that particular service. It may not be the phone you want. And its usually overpriced.
Whereas , with a post-paid monthly service, you can usually cut a deal for a discounted phone, or even sometimes a free phone.
So I guess it really is hard to decide which is best.
Now that Ive gotten you more confused about Pre-paid VS Post-paid....I guess Ill end this. Remember, these are my opinions. The topic didnt say I had to choose a service yet, did it? All it says is Pre-paid card VS Post-paid card.