BCCI axed both Rajasthan Royals and Kings for several violations as regards their participation in IPL.. Preity Zinta and Shilpa Shetty can bid goodbye to the world of cricket where they donned on everyone like Godesses. It was amusing to see them clad in business suits, wearing dark shades, matching accessories and tromping along with Modi all the time. Like they have become world renowned, multi billion dollar entities of great repute. Modi used them well too. However both using each other did not work out to eithers advantage. Guess when you try to dupe someone u get duped eventually.
BCCI did not like cricket taking back seat and Bollywood PR hungry dames taking front seat. Modis model of mixing cricket with cheap sleaze was flawed. Modis association with his Bollywood friends became questionable. However when does a search on Modis wife and daughter and sees their pictures one realizes that his close proximity to these 2 women is only natural. They belonged to the same ilk. Of showmanship and vulgarity.
Ordinarily I used to like Preity Zinta for some of her roles in the movies. But lately at college we discuss about how proud she has become. Proud may not be the right word. Like I am proud of my country...so the right world would be "ghamand" for those of you who understand Hindi and for those who dont it is like "arrogance".
In her statements we read stuff like -
I am no Goddess (can anyone claim to be one?)
I am world famous (not just the 1billion Indian fools knowing me but the world knows me!)
I am the most beautiful (botox, lipo, etc -me? no I regularly gym it out)
Ethreal beauty (LOL)
High status (I am the most powerful woman on earth)
I know everything from all sports to all cooking to all acting to all business to just about everything
Saw this video of hers - Shilpa Shetty Preity Zinta cat fight on Youtube. My friend referred it to me. He had seen it during his vacations. The link is https://youtube.com/watch?v=ijQ6iP28pWc
We re-ran this video in our class. Our teacher was demonstrating how pride goes before a fall.
We analyzed this character of Preity Zinta and Shilpa Shetty. Both tried to make their personal brands so over exposed, it became evident they would puncture their own images.
These people may be found guilty on many counts, just too many to list here. Not just not knowing about whats in a contract and claiming to be business women but more about the attitude. Like they are some superwomen or supermen. Gods gift to mankind. And as if the world will stop without them. Assumed sense of power probably does this. Also they looked down on everyone else. "All you ordinary, lowly fans, we may twitter with u all but we know whos boss" kind of attitude.
During IPL matches we would laugh when she would come on camera and we would bet with one another how many times in the conversation with the host will she use the word "my boys". As a woman she does not even know how pervert this sounds. She referred to those cricketers as if they are "her boys". And she misled them. Being a guy I know how it would feel if a woman came to me and stroked me, touched me, flirted with me, dropped herself on me, hugged me and kissed me. She tantalised the guys by these stunts to control them. Naturally their attention was not on the game. It was on what she would do to them...if they could and when they could make out with her. The best was when she hugged and kissed and jumped on Yuvraj Singh and showed so much love and passion and then she turned around and said he is like a brother. What a blow to Yuvi..poor guy really liked her. He must have had no idea this woman was using him. Probably Yuvi was inadequate for her appetite. Perhaps she was looking for richer, more loaded bakras.
After all that, naturally the performance of the cricketers would suffer. I bet this time around when they are redistributed to other teams each one will do better than they did when with Kings XI.
Her constant references to herself being the BOSS or the OWNER or the CHAIRPERSON of the team must have rubbed off wrongly with everyone too. Its not about competing or not competing but about how one competes.
She kept screaming about her business acumen. Frankly when we were discussing the IPL business model it was clear it was a gambling venture floated by a few to offload and get rich. Now when gambling backfired she and Shilpa are acting like victims. How fair is that?
They thought they added value to the brand IPL. Again in reality they devalued IPL = Cricket by their constant presence everywhere. In the dug outs, in VIP areas, in press conferences, everywhere they hogged lime light leaving poor cricketers out and manipulating them one against the other. And why should we care for the brand IPL if it does not stand for cricket? Cricket as a sport sufered so much. It became all about money changing hands and not about performance.
Does Preity care? She would only be concerned about her own losses. She brought losses to everyone who was associated to her directly or indirectly.
Like Tiger Woods these brands are gone now.
But they brought it on themselves. Doubt if people would sympathize with them.