Warning : Please do not waste your money on this product - Glass Top Gas Tables GT 04 AI.
When I purchased my apartment, I didnt plan to install a hub in my kitchen. And when I moved to my apartment, I realized that I could have planned for a hub installation for a better look of my kitchen. But by then it was late due to the reason that it will be too expensive to break the granite stone and install the hub. And since then I was looking for a nice and sleek looking 4 burner stove which would give a better look of my kitchen...you know what all we do to make our new house look good.
And then I found this Glass Top 4 burner Stove with Auto Ignition in a nearby Prestige Store and the look of it really impressed me to by this product. I thought this would perfectly fit to my kitchen with black granite counter top. Immediately I decided to buy this. I paid about Rs 6400. So it was quite impressive from the look perspective. But folks. when my wife started cooking, just few minutes after the entire glass top burst not pieces with fire cracker sound and I was horrified.
Fortunately the glass pieces didnt hit my wifes eye. I called the dealer immediately from whom I bought this one and he told me to contact the service person and guess what the service person told me that this is first such complaint they have received and he will come and inspect first and make a decision. What a crap. What decision he will make. Next day he came and he told that he will replace the glass and I was surprise when he said I have to pay for the glass top as that is not covered in warranty for this type of breakage even if he agreed that it is the manufacturing defect. I felt like stabbing him on the spot. After a lot of argument, he agreed to replace the glass with out any charge. What the heck. It is not even used once and he is asking me to pay for the manufacturing defect. Since it was taking time, the dealer was kind enough to offer me the replacement of this stove with a new one. I thought one in thousand piece will have the manufacturing defect but the second one turned out to be the same issue.
It burst again with first use. So immediately I called the dealer and asked for the refund, but he was polite enough to explain me that he can not refund due to Prestiges policy and Prestige will not pay him for the refund. So he compelled me to buy some other item from his store. Basically sell junk product with high price and sell other stuff. The bottom line is, please do not go by the look. Always verify the quality for the price you are paying. For that matter, I wouldnt suggest in buying the glass topped stoves as there is always a risk of breaking the glass and some one can injured due to this.
Hope this review is helpful to you guys who are planning to buy glass topped stoves. This doesnt have the ISI quality check as well. So please do not by this product ever. Probably Prestige should continue to do what they are in good at in real estate...
Again please DO NOT buy this product else you will risk in losing your eyes while cooking.