Bought this hyped product with three burners and auto ignition last month from a reputed firm in my city.
They cheated my parents into believing that this product is worth all the extra money they will be paying compared to similar products in the market. Finally, to our horror, the second day the stove stopped igniting.
A service person came and complained that there are ants in our kitchen!
I told him, with the same ants, my BPL triple burner stove has been working fine in the same kitchen for the past 15 years, and this stove cannot work for a day? and he had no answer. He cleaned up the nozzle, and went. It worked fine for another day, and the flame went weak again.
With my old reliable BPL stove, if it takes my 5 mins to boil something, it takes no less than 15 mins to boil the same in my new glass top bullshi* I bought:(
I called up the firm that sold me the stove to check about this, and the sales woman tells me, "Oh, why did you even buy Prestige sir, it is so trouble-prone!". I asked her, since my stove is just a month old, can u take it back and I will buy a new one. and she says, "Yes, we can arrange for an exchange, but you will get 1000 rupees for the old one"! I paid nearly 6000 rupees for this crap!
So guys, please do not buy Prestige stoves. I have got my "hands-burnt" for making this choice, though in reality my hands would not even get warm even if I put it in the flame of this horrible stove!