This is an item which is not bought daily but is use daily. So it should be bought very carefully. As web have to use it so we should like it. I bought Prestige Gas Stove for 3000 rupees from two years ago. There is no problem in working of this Gas Stove . It is working without any interruption or defect. But if we talk about its design then I will say that not everyone will like its design as it is not simple .
And many people like simple design but if you are fashionable and like printed item then trust me you will love this one. It has 3 stoves and looks very pretty. Dont worry about its quality. It is made up of super fine quality. I am sure you will like it. And you will not regret buying it. So I will surely recommend you to buy this product. if you like the design then go for it because you yourself should like the design or else it will make you uncomfortable. And you will not love cooking and will regret buying it . So if you like the design then only buy it so that you dont regret buying this.