Having thoroughly enjoyed his previous movies “Memento” and“Batman Begins” , Went to “The Prestige”with some expectations , and Nolan did not disappoint .
The story is about 2 magicians Angier (Hugh Jackman) andBorden (Christian bale )who start a friendship that eventually turns intorivalry after Angiers wife is killed in a magic trick that went wrong. Fromthen on the two start trying to discover each others secrets, trying to outdoeach other by any means possible .The movie movies in a non-chronological orderso that u can never make out what’shappening until the end with a wickedtwist (though I guess u can make it out before, atleast I did) .
The performances are brilliant by both the lead actors , Jackman as the angry and vengeful Angier and Christian Bale as the mysterious Borden , and they are supported by an awesome cast of Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, Andy Serkis and David Bowie.Add to it some great editing and amazing cinematography, you have a brilliantmovie .Great job Mr.Nolan now cant wait for “Dark Night” releasing next year .