I have ordered this cooker and got it 5 days before. I am using this one with out any flaws other than that the bit difficulty initially to close and open but after I got the trick from my cousin to open and close I am using it smoothly.
Some points I am mentioning about its quality and work:
It is very handy to use it and can cooked your food with in 10-15 min depend on your cooking item.
The Aluminium body of this cooker is quiet solid and free to crack or dent anyway.
You will get the solid rubber and its in very new form that help in not to poured out the water from the cooker while cooking.
The Whistle of this pressure cooker works perfectly.
The 3L capacity of this cooker is enough to cook the food for 5-6 people at a time.
Trick to open and close the cooker:
You have to press the cooker from back side and round it to meet the arrows sign mentioned in cooker.