Hi, I am going to explain my experience with prestige pressure cooker. These cookers are very comfortable for daily use for cooking rice, non-veg and other foods.
I am using this cooker past two years, there is fault, It is very good product from prestige.
The material used is good one. I am not aware about the material used but while cleaning there is no need to rough more, easily cleaning is possible.
The style is regular one but the design is nice one for outer and inner lid cookers as compared to other cookers.
Before using these cookers we had the cookers of other company was have more problems like blasting, burning from bottom side, becoming red etc., now, all problems were nullified.
Prestige has given lots of services and offer for consumers on each products. The product which I bought has the warranty period of one year.
services and maintenance also very good.
Thank you.