Oh my! This closed pressure vessel confirms with ASME code V111 of non firing pressure vessel ! ! lol now thats something interesting to know.
hey guys, good to see u reading my review on pressure cooker lol
so as u all are aware of the fact that the major competitors in this market is HAWKINKS and PRESTIGE, offcourse others are there.
so what makes this pressure cooker so prestigious? nothing in my view, its just another boring pressure vessel with a whistle on top.
I dont know where this cooker is manufactured? and why should I be that curious to know? All it does is cooks anything, but prefers items edible to humans, pressure may go up to 100 psig and temperature may rise upto 150 deg cel. Now thats something interesting to know!
Guys to make u aware of ASME(american society of mechanical engineers) codes, I would like to mention these codes are set of standards market usually relies on, and whether prestigious follows these codes I dont know..........................the material used is an alloy of metals found on planet earth......i dont know the exact composition..........the alloy is not that costly and hence the cooker is cheap to buy.......the cost may range from 2000/- onwards....................
But the point is..............the pressure vessel comes with ISI mark.Means U are less likely to be killed by the blast of this cooker than that from ur LPG cylinder........
now I have to go as my prestige is on fire!!