Without pride or prejudice I can definitely say that this is a very entertaining and witty book. Forgive the bad pun.
This book is a classic by Jane Austen. The plot may seem very simple; man meets woman, they always rub each other the wrong way, they eventually fall in love. Put so baldly, one may think it resembles your basic Hindi movie. Far from it. The social nuances of that era (late 18th century I believe) are very sardonically described. One can call it a social commentary on that period. The way the characters come to life is so charming that one cannot help but love this book. There is a subtle humour pervading this book, and there are some truly memorable and comic characters like Mrs. Bennet for example.
After reading this book, one will be well and truly hooked to Jane Austen. The next book to read would definitely be Emma by the same author. I read Pride and Prejudice when I was in the 8th grade and I still re-read it whenever I have the time. Also watch the movie produced by the BBC based on this book, if you can get hold of it. Although of course the book can never be bettered.