Apparently, the last words spoken by authoress Jane Austen are the same as the title.
Pride and Prejudice is regarded as an all time classic.It is the story of the Bennet family .The selfsame consists the amiable Mr Bennet, his wife and their four beautiful daughters.The trials and tribulations of the said group of people in the Victorian age in Britain forms the central plot.The chief storyline consists of the courtship rituals or otherwise between conceited Mr Darcy, and sprightly Bennet girl, Elizabeth.Darcy is landed gentry, while Elizabeth belongs to the middle class.The difference between their perceptions of lifes priorities leads to conflict.They keep on bumping into each other, owing to the fact Elizabeths elder sister Jane is seeing Mr Darcys bosom pal officially. They meet either at her sisters beloveds place or their own house, apart from gatherings.
There are other problems here and there, which find solution in the end.