The following is the review for the Prince Aly Khan Hospital - Mumbai, Mazagaon.
There is something seriously wrong
1) Nurses / Wardboys are indulged in theft of medicines without any hesitation when the patients relatives are unavailable. Even we Ismailis are not spared - Leave the Non- Ismailis
2) Salaried Nurses attend the patients as if they are doing a favour.
3) Salaried Wardboys/ladies need tips(Extra money) for Cleaning the Bedridden Critical patients.
else they dont care for a patient.
4) Negligence by Nurses in the OT lead to fatal consequences.
5) Priority system working here between Doctors and Hospital Staff. Looks like Comission and reference system works here too.
6) Unreliable Pathology tests.
7) Security Guards at the Hospital extract money from the patient relatives in case patient needs food or some essential material at odd Hours.
8) Doctors and the Hospital are more interested in the patients money .
Suggestion for Islamilis and Muslims. Please dont hesitate to visit Non Muslim Hospitals as
you would get much better care. Dont be under false hopes of getting better care here.