It is always interesting to read in black and white instead of just listening and letting it go. TV and radio news cannot be repeated whereas newspaper items can be cut and kept. If anything interesting is reported, a scrapbook is made where these cuttings are carefully kept and preserved for further reading. You cant do this with online news which just gets wiped off once it is seen.
Statistics and surveys have revealed that despite the strong threat by 24 hours news channels on the telly, newspaers have still not lost their value The smell of freshly printed newspapers, the joy of opening a fresh new latest magaxine cannot be compared with a flick of a button or a remote.
The newspaper will always live.It is evergreen and unkillable, come what may. Though I do relish internet news and information, radio and television news, I still buy as many newspapers and magazines as I can, my bill coming to four figures every month.
And my entire family enjoys and supports this.
Besides, you can always get a fraction of the money spent on reding material by selling it as raddi.