If you are thinking to get country club membership or holiday package dont do that its my personal experience country club is one of the third class, cheater and cheap company in these world. They are fraud people giving fake promises, never provide you good service and treatment once you get there membership. Country club staff is very arrogant and rude.
These people do not having any jim type with any kirloskar and Gold gym as they told us .They do not provide any music show and other functions coupons as they promise us. And one most important think I want to tell all of you guys they never provide you luxurious room or delux room and proper dates booking which you want. They never give reply of your any mails in emergency do not pick up the phones once you get membership and holiday package of country club.
I purchased their holiday package for 7 days and I never use that yet.I booked my flights tickets for the date 03 may 2015 and 10 may 2015.But they never gives me proper seven day booking for my hotel stay too. They gave me only 5 days booking in normal hotel or not responding of my mails and call. When he will come in front of me I wish to slap that re presenter who promised me at the time of membership will give us proper and good Holiday trip. They are bloody thiefs and pigs.
If you are thinking to get there membership or holiday package just call me before that.
Contact no-917586XXXX