Priority International is clearly using the loop holes in system of credit cards, banks, legal, online systems. Trapping people in the name of free gifts. I wonder so many people were cheated, but still this company exist. The might have duped at least few crores from people by now. All of the customers mainly trapped at shopping malls.
These people have caused lot of frustration to hundreds, may be thousands of families and spilling the bad culture in society. They are evils to the society. How is it possible that this company is still cheating without support from police or is that our system so inefficient to put a stop to this?
These are suckers, surely have caused lot of pain, anger and frustration with lot of families going around credit companies.
Many fake reviews here and mouthshut should take a note of this seriously. Priority international making using of their cunning soft communication skills. They are criminals in white collar disguise. MOUTHSHUT dont partner with cheaters and be cursed by innocent families who are duped of the hard earned money which could have been better utilised.
Request MOUTHSHUT to remove all fake reviews and help people.
If the legal system does not work, there must be a solution found to this unethical cheating. Please keep posting, sharing emails and phone numbers. Thanks for reading