Before you start reading...
Here the review goes...
For Priyanka
The dew on ur forehead... dripping down from your forehead to eyelashes, it played see-saw
then it fell on the smooth cheeks of urs making its way to the upper lips and then to lower, stealing the sensation that can make a human breathe.
Filled with this magic it left and reached the chin from there it dropped on the splendid tender smooth gold like Hmm... then travelling all along it reached the navel where it got a stay for 2 minutes slowly it moved more further. It was burning in desire and this made it to reduced to half.... it disappeared before reaching the ground... ??? (where is burned completely?..NE Guess? ) its wish to touch the feet was shattered...
what will be the journey of this drop?
from the clouds it took a long time but from her forehead it had become a steam.... such is ur beauty...
98.7 percent of work takes 40 % of time rest takes to refine it...
This was about Priyanka... Such is her !!!
-Panga! na Liyo...