Playing games is fun. I mean not the whacko and crooked ones, but those available on the net. Prizes2b1 is one great site that provides you fodder for play.
Once I had nothing worthwhile to do and so rang up a friend to kill
time. After a bit of gupshup she suggested that I try Curious to know more, I typed the url and was led on to a web site that not only showed a lot of promise but also fulfilled it.
For starters, the speed of the site is extremely fast – almost lightening fast to be precise. The registration process is extremely convenient and avoids the intricacies normally associated with web site registration.
Once logged in you are free to go and play. And have a ball. According to me, some of the most entertaining sections are Memory March (it’s more of intuition than good old memory), Unscramble (it made me shiver on first site), Flick of the Week, and Know it All. These games are good value for prizes to be won. They are not only fun and games, but also a test of your knowledge and imagination. As Yogi Berra, the legendary baseball player once put it, “Half the game is 90% mental”.
I really haven’t got in touch with their customer service department, so wouldn’t be able to comment on this one.
However, I have heard that unlike many other sites which promise more than they deliver, the Prizes2b1 people actually do give away prizes.
So, what are you waiting for? Log on and have fun.