Proactive is dishonest. When I ordered proactive, I sent them my acne pictures and form to receive a free facial mask they offered. But I have been waiting for over a month and have not received it. Proactive didnt make much difference for my skin either, and when I returned that too, they told me on the phone they didnt receive it so I could not get a refund.
It was a waste of money.I doubt they wouldve thought I was scamming them for refunds because that was my first package I sent back. Whenever I made phone calls, they would say their phone lines are busy and would call me back within 24hrs. But they never call me back.
I think they avoid refunding. They do not stay true to their advertisement and are liars. If their phone lines really are busy, maybe its because they deal with the number of complaints they receive. I am not ordering proactiv anymore because of the service and how extremely expensive it is.