I am a 24 year old lady. I had been suffering from acne since many years now and I started using proactive since the past year and half. i have purchased until now four kits from the company. It started out great for me
as it treated all the acne on my face and put a stop from any more further breakouts. But what I didnt realize was that as it was treating my facial pimples. Its harsh side effects were affecting the other parts of my body.
i was diagnosed with fibroadenoma/ fibrocystic condition last week. It came as a shock to me as I had no family history of any such complications, and I am someone whose diet and work out regime is very well taken care of. And thats y I took it up as a task to find out what exactly caused this condition and it directly brought me to the affect of a certain chemical substance called PARABEN( which is not present in any other cosmetic product I use).
Proactive contains Methylparaben and propylparaben. Found in more than 14, 000 cosmetics, parabens is a hormone disruptor and can mimic the hormone estrogen causing severe complications.
i suggest ditch the use of such chemical cosmetic products that give you just temporary relief killing ur body in the long run instead adopt pure organic products.
PS: Stay away from carcinogens. Please check the ingredients of every cosmetic product you use for a healthier life.