WELL I am gunna first say I hope this helps anyone who has any questions or concerns about proactiv! I have to start by saying I use it and love it! I use the 3 piece kit(cleanser, toner, lotion) and the mask and the green tea moiturizer! and occansionally the advanced blemish treatment. and I have perfect skin so beautiful I get comments all the time on my skin! next I like to say I WORK for proactiv! I actually work at a kiosk. so I deal with people face to face! we dont do contracts or send u everything in mail. we actually walk u through all the steps and tell and show u how to use products the RIGHT way! u can coem buy what u want when u want and everything individually if u want. but what im gunna do is t ell u how to use the products the right way.
the order to use 5 piece kit is cleanser toner lotion daily oil control moisturizer and a few times a week ur free mask.
cleanser- use a dime size amount and wash and rinse ur face with warm water twice a day.(has 2.5% benzol peroxide)
toner-use 5-6 drops on cotton pad wipe on face leave on.(has aloe whicth hazel and chamilel which heals soothes and hydrates ur skin)
repairing lotion- a PEA size amount rub on face and leave on. many people use to much and confuse this with a moisturizer it is not if u use to much it will dry ur skin out!(2.5% benzol peroxide)
daily oil control- has nylon 12 which absorbs oil throughtout the day ONLY put in areas ur oily in! leave on. when u rinse ur face at night it will release the oil so it does not clog ur pores and cause more acne!
oil free moisture- it hydrates ur skin also has nylon 12 and has 15spf. ALWAYS use moisturizer to keep ur skin hydrated when using medications on ur skin even if ur oily!
then u can put on ur make up! make sure u use oil free fragrence free and acholel free makeup perferably a minural makeup. proactiv now sells sheer cover kit for 40 bucks!
u can use ur mask 2-3 times a week just on spots and rinse off in 20 mins. or all over and rinse off in morning that is what I do!
if u have extremely bad acne we have an extra stregth kit and if u have sensitive skin we hve a sensitive kit also!
oh yeah the advanced blemish treatment I use is a little tube its like 20 bucks but well worth it! u put a very very small amount on the pimple and within 24-48hrs it will be gone!
we have a myspace for the proactiv kiosk in the mall I work at if u love proactiv and wanna share stories or pictures u can send a request at. https://myspace.com/4057673343p u can also see a price list!
I love my job and I look forward to helping people clear there face and be more confident about there apperance! I hope this helps u!
hope this helps!