I used to get regular pimples but it wasnt anything bad, I figured proactive would clear it up, I never thought a face wash could make acne worse... the first time I used it my face felt fresh and clean, once I had used it for about a week, I noticed my face getting worse.
After I washed my face with it, it felt tight and hurt I wanted to cry, it got really bad. I had huge bumps on my face. I went to the dermatolagist and they said it was severe cystorial acne. I had to take a medication and use a cream for months. Now im left with a huge scar on both sides of my face from where the cystorial acne was.
I do not recommend proactive to anyone. its been about a year and after taking this medication called solodyn and using the cream Duac (which I love and works wonders) my face has finally cleared up, but I have to live with this scar the rest of my life thanks to proactive.