I purchased this product because after 37 years of flawless skin, I had been getting no more than two pimples on my chin a month for the past year and it was annoying me. Biggest mistake I ever made!
After three weeks of using Proactive, both my cheeks had broken out. Badly. Hard, painful bumps that just lingered. I contacted their customer service department and was told some people need to build a tolerance to the benzoyl peroxide found in acne medications. To start slowly and start with the renewing cleanser and revitalizing toner in the morning. Ease into the program repeating all three steps at night to benefit from the combo therapy
Following those instructions, two weeks later, I was devestated. Every day I would wake up with an new pimple on my face in places I couldnt even believe, on my forehead - directly underneath my chin. My cheeks were a mess. Its been 5 days since I stopped using the line entirely and I can see an improvement already. Unfortunately, Im left with a blotchy purpulish red complexion that never existed before. Its embarrasing, humiliating and I would not recommend this product to anyone.
And yes, it also ruined a good $50 worth of face clothes and towels.