Then I shall stand among you, a seafarer among seafarers.
And you, vast sea, sleepless mother,
Who alone are peace and freedom to the river and the stream,
Only another winding will this stream make, only another murmur in this glade,
And then shall I come to you, a boundless drop to a boundless ocean.
The Prophet, is a phenomenal book in the world of pearls of wisdom, in the wake of the modernized world. The book gives out the guiding words, of a profoundly philosophical poet, which are capable of rewarding with solace to the reader. It is an optimists take on the world, people, their duties, mankind, humanity, religion, relationships, and many more worldly matters which concern an inquisitive layman.
The book deserves all sorts of praises, considering the content, but however, one thing that fascinates me, is that the poet does not pose himself as the protagonist, when he preaches the prophecies out to the curious disciples, the people of Orphalese. Hes being modest enough to assign the words to the character of Almustafa, the Prophet.
The book would stand as a guiding star, to those minds in despair. It would remain an all time favourite in my reading lists.