Player Unknown's Battlegrounds popularly known as PUBG is an online survival multiplayer game. Perhaps one of the best multiplayer game ever made in the history of gaming. At first PUBG was launched a long time ago for the pc users but it succeeded to bring about a revolution in the gaming history after the launch of PUBG Mobile for the mobile users.
The concept of the game is so fascinating that once you start playing it you will be addicted to the game irrespective of your age. The most interesting fact about this multiplayer is it is a social multiplayer, i.e., you can play it with your friends too. The game offers you to play solo, duo or in a squad of 4 persons. The goal of the game is very simple. At the beginning of the game 100 real players take off in a plane from the spawn Island and jump from the plane to various parts in the map and search for weapons in houses or cities. Then they try to kill one another and try to be the only survivor and win the game. The winning of the game is named "Winner winner Chicken Dinner". But the game is more fun when you play it in squad mode. In squad mode there will be 100 players of maximum 25 teams and you and your teammates have to eliminate the other teams to be the only team to survive and get the win. If you play in squad of 4 players. The game provides an outstanding feature of communicating with your teammates. You can speak to your teammates and enjoy playing the game with some fun. You can also help your teammates in their need and get yourself some help when you need. In solo mode if someone kills you you die straight way. But in squad mode you do not die directly if other members of your team are alive. You get knock out and your teammates can revive you. If you knock out you cannot do anything unless your teammates does not revive you.
The game is also popular because of its use of realistic weapons. There are too many real life weapons in the game like the M416, M16A4, SCAR-L etc.
The game also have some rewards or achievements to keep you motivated to play more and rank you depending on your gameplay to keep you in a race and play more and more to win the race. It has basically 8 ranks or tier Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Crown, Ace and Conquer. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Crown are also devided into 4 tier each.
The game also offers a Royale Pass Season. Here there are two types of RP. One is absolutely free and the other one you have to buy . It offers you some customized dress or gun and vehicle skins etc. PUBG also provides a shop centre to buy a customised gun or vehicle skin or dress etc. You can trade in PUBG Mobile only via UC. You need to buy UC from Google Play Store. If you like playing mobile games I suggest you should definitely try PUBG Mobile once.