Public Enemies(PE) has all the elements of a good movie. Its got style, its got guns, its got superstars and a great director and Its got a substantial story to build on. And yet after the movie ended, I felt a sense of disbelief. I had to think about everything Id just seen whizzing past me on the screen for about 150 minutes. And thats not such a good thing. Allow me to explain.
*Id rather not reveal too much of the plot through the review. It revolves around the golden age of crime in Depression-era America. Set around 4 years after the beginning of the Great Depression, the movie tells the story of John Dillingers claim to and fall from fame. John Dillinger was a notorious gangster from that age, who received much less publicity than another crook - Mr. Al Capone. Maybe thats a good thing.
The story tells you about Mr. Dillingers modus operandi, how he stole and from where, etc. It also sheds light on the exploits of Mr. Purvis(played by Christian Bale), the newly-appointed head of the anti-gangster squad. They throw in a cameo by the great Mr. Hoover(1st director of the FBI), played very capably by BIlly Crudup.
So the movie is a 150 minute shooter-fest that has tommy guns, 3-piece suits, classy cars with V-8 engines and all the pomp and grandeur we associate with that era of the USA.
*Im not Johnny Depps biggest fan. Not that I mind him, but I get a little bored of the fact that hes almost always playing an unusual character(Jack Sparrow, anyone?). If its not Edward Scissorshands, its Willy Wonka. If its not Donnie Brasco, Its the Demon Barber from Hell. Even wikipedia describes Johnny Depp as an actor known to play eccentric, off-beat characters.
Having said that, I was very pleasantly surprised to see Depp slip into one of the mostnormal characters hes ever played. Infact, I would go so far as to say that the whole movie is carried on his rather small shoulders. As John Dillinger, you feel for the friendly-neighbourhood gangster(yes, I typed that), the lover, the caring friend and the cunning criminal. Right to the end. And thats the mark of a great actor. Youll enjoy some of his one-liners, especially the scene where hes interrupted during his conversation with his woman, and he bitch-slaps the idiot who dared to speak.
Christian Bale, who plays Dillingers foe, is the same - the usual stone-faced good guy. Did someone tell him that they finished shootingThe Dark Knight two years ago? A lot has been said about Christian Bales acting skills, but Im yet to see him in a role where he actually emotes more than the scenery around him. Never-the-less, you cant hold it against him as his character demands that he be about as expressive as a tree.
The rest of the cast does a good job, Marion Cotillard as Dillingers love interest, and Billy Crudup as Hoover are very strong performers.
Look / Feel:
The director manages to capture the 1930s on film very well. The colours are vivid and yet predominantly dark, the mood sombre and the costumes are great. But he does resort to a particular technique that I actually found quite distracting.
Nearly all the action sequences are shot in high-definition, fast film. This results in some breath-taking fire-fights and the deliberate avoidance of the steady-cam shots add to the level of immersion. But after a point, it begins to feel a bit gimmicky. I found myself blinded by the flash of gun-fire, the constantly shifting frame and as a result - you begin to not see whats going on. During a couple of gun-fights, I actually looked down at my phone till the firing ended so I could actually see who shot whom and who died. Basically, the camera-work shifts from epic and grand(a-la-Gladiator) to quick and dirty(a-la-COPS or Amazing Race).
The movie runs for about 2 and a half hours. During that time, It builds slowly to a crescendo and then in about 25 minutes, Its over. Which is why when it ended, I was likeWTF?. The story is good, but I wish the director had fleshed out some of the other characters a little more, especially Bales. The action sequences are plenty, and theres lots of blood, but very little to take away from them. And after sleeping on the movie, I actually find theres very little I fondly remember from the movie.
*On a 5 point scale, this is a solid 3 in my books. Watch it for Johnny Depp. Its great to see him walk like a normal man and not like a pirate with a bad combo-case of piles and diarrhea. Enjoy the nostalgia of the 30s and the performances of some of the supporting cast. But dont expect too much else. And if youve got a queasy stomach, give it a skip. If the gore doesnt get you, the dizzying camera work will.