Here I am sharing about the movie "PULI".Ilayatalapathy Vijay is hero and Sruthi hasan is heroin.its worst movie in Vijays carrier.Acting is very good but only problem is in story. Very boring story. While I am watching movie so many people went out of theater.even though I slept in interval time half of theater is empty.story goes from one way and ends in one way.
No one understands the movie. The big mistake is in middle of movie lilliputs are placed.some action scenes are good. It is great loss to producer.collections are not came.Coming to Devi Sri Prasad, Yaendi Yanedi is the only hummable song in the film and others just come and goes why they came at that situation also we dont know.but graphics are plus to movie.very wonderful graphics for this movie.
Trailer has created records but movie did not breake the records.vijays hardwork failed in movie point of view.We want to go to movie for seeing Graphics only other things are waste in this movie.