The price of even 1700 rupees its not a good thick cloth used. Just because the name of the brand applied to it and I am sure this one was made in China, No product made abroad of PUMA will be this thin.
I wish I could return the bag but I dont have time to shop nor do I have time to surf to shop. Keeping it.
Be warned who is selecting this bag, the red is very faded red and the material is very on all side, including bottom of the bag. Except for the back and traps which are average.
Only two zipper pockets. very small two inside pockets to organize your bag. Very difficult to organise if you organise if you have more than a laptop and charger, wallet and phone. No small side pockets.
It was shipped before time that is only reasons I gave one more star otherwise for the price I paid I am totally disappointed at PUMA.