I recently went through the experience of Passport renewal in Pune, and wanted to share my experience. There are two more reviews on this topic(Clear diff in attitude of TCS emp & Govt officials, PuneTraveller311, Oct 02 2013; Pune Passport Office, Mundhwa, aap2328, Aug 08 2012). So, I would be just adding my views to the information provided there. Besides, I will also be adding my experience with the police verification procedure.
At Counter C of the PSK, Mundhwa office, the officials dont explain anything clearly. I was told that mine(renewal) and my kids passports(new), would be delivered soon. They didnt inform whether there would be any police verification required or not. In the end, I collected my receipt and came back happy that the procedure is over.(.It would have saved me a lot of trouble, if he would have explained me then only that a post-verification is required in my case).
After few days I received my passport, but not for my kid. Then I received a message from the police station to come for verification. When I reached there with my kids documents, I was told that I also need to get my verification.(I was suddenly surprised to hear this. why I need to get police verification when I have been delivered my passport). I asked the constable that he should advise me about the correct procedure.
Instead, he told me that this is my decision that whether I want to get it done or not? I told him that I cant do it at that moment as I have no information about this. So, he verified my kids documents and completed the procedure.(Another example of aclassical approach of the police constable.who couldnt tell me that if I dont get verification done now, he will be sending an adverse report on my documents and I need to come again for clarifying that).
Afterwards, I called the RPO(Pune) to inquire about this situation. They told me that they have received an adverse report on my police verification. I, therefore, need to come again at the RPO. I went there, wasted half of my day standing in queues and then requested to send my file back for police verification. There is a lack of clarification between Passport office guys and police department.
The passport guys do their job and say that the documents would reach police station within one week. The police station guys say that it takes more than one month to get the documents.as they dont come directly but through head-office. In between, it is the public which suffers.by visiting police station again and again).
Again, I went for police verification, repeated the whole procedure again, and came back with the hope that it is finally over.
I hope that a day will come when the people sitting in these offices will understand that their job is to help people rather than making them suffer.