In recent times tourism has taken on a new dimension. Tourism is the second largest industry in the country in terms of foreign exchange earnings. Tourism is no longer associated with travel to visit friends and relatives in the vacations but travel for pleasure as well. In order to give tourism greater incentive, the Government has various facilities like leave travel concession and paid holidays.
The last year having been declared as the Tourism Year, there is a renewal on a large scale of the tourism industry. The airlines is a part of the toursm industry, which caters to domestic and international traffic. The growth inb this industry offers scope for employment and increasing foreign exchange. To cater efficiently to the growing needs of tourism, there is tremendous scope for individuals trained in the practices of the trade. Today, one no longer has to follow the set pattern of pursuing a career or profession in medicine, engineering, etc. A career in the airlines, travel agencies and hotels, hold good opportunities for young boys and girls, retired persons and housewives.
The growth of the tourism industry ensures employment opportunities Most people are aware of career prospectus within tourism and its related departments. Besides, the national carriers, i.e. Air India, Indian Airlines etc. are being launched. With the launch of these air services, the recruitment of trained personnel has increased. Those who desire, can pursue an exciting and paying career in the airline industry.In order to fulfil the need of trained personnel, there are various courses conducted by local institutions. But in order to have an airline career, one has to be equipped with basic knowledge of airlines operations, po9licies and procedures. These courses are offered in packages of intensive diploma courses. The intensive courses give you elementary working knowledge and the extensive courses train you in advanced trade practices. In order to take up a course of air booking and air travel maki= eting, you do not need any formal degree. Only a sound working knowledge of English is sufficient.Once you have successfully completd either of the courses, you have numerous job opportunities, like traffic assistants at airport counters, air booking staff in travel agencies and airline offices, etc. You have the opportunities right here before you. It is for you to check your potenial and make career for yourself with the right course and at the right institution.