Though I am a young and enthusiastic young man, I can very well understand why Pune is called the Pensioners Paradise. It is a drastically laid back city. It has all the glitz and the glamour and the filth and the corruption, but people seem in no hurry in Pune.
I stayed in Pune for about one and half months. The first thing that will strike you about Pune is the student population of the city. Pune is the Oxford of East and it is filled with students from across the world which include Arabs, Africans, Chinese and Westeners.
It is a delightful city with soft spoken people and a more than decent infrasrtucture. Though some of the places are really cramped up. Some of the people staying in affluent areas like to call places like Lakshmi Road as gaon(or village) because of its olden, narrow, badly planned lanes.
Only one word can describe the Pune Traffic and that word is "Crazy." People in Pune have one of the most haphazard traffic sense. Anyone can change lanes as they like and turn left or right without the slightest of indications. the person driving behind has to take care of everything. Public transport facilities have a long way to go in Pune. The bus routes and frequency of buses will frustrate a person living in a city like Mumbai to the core.
Pune night-life is really rocking. The young crowd ensures that there are a lot of party places which operate almost all days of the week. I had gone to a party in Scream in the hotel Le meridian. I was very delighted to see crowd of different ethinities like Arabs, Africans and Iranians. There one very funny incident happened with me. I was carrying my big suitcase along with me because I didnt have any place to keep it. I wanted the concierge to take care of it for some time. They said they would put it in their store-room on second floor. While taking the bag away, They trolley man dropped my bag on a big concrete ramp going to the main gate of the hotel. My suitcase rolled and was thrown about for atleast 100 or 200 meters. Fortunately, nothing happened to my belongings inside and I was even surprised to see the samsonite bag fully intact and without and scratches even after such a fall. I think this Cosmolite range of luggage is really worthwhile.
There are very good restaurants in Pune but accomodation is very costly. The real estate rates have skyrocketed. The thing that I didnt like about Pune is the lazy atmosphere. In cmparison cities like Banglore and Hyderabad are really firece.
Overall, Pune is a good delightful city.