PUNE is it the Soth western counter part prt of similar cities viz Kolkata in the northwest and Allahabad -north, many thinkers and social reformers had their apprnticeship and lab in this city. This more so b-cause of the intelligent(not necessarily literate) but silent citezen and adjoining rural populace. Just listen to the Lok Geets, open theatre skits and general conversations( highly animated at times), they reflect total paricipation, firm belief in the points putforth and willingness to listen to the "other view", convince, else get convinced.
This is how it has been it shall be for ever. Thus it is never a dull moment for the talkative, student or scholar of sociology
And now it has arrived on the IT horizon albiet silenntly but with firm and long strides. It is already a manufacturing hub of diverse products ( material as well as non tangible human resourse of equal value if not greater than other contributers(producers) in this field.
The citys land scape is getting dotted with Newer Institutes of divers learning along with ath alreading ones of Great Repute.
This has enbaled the sourcing of managerial and entreprunerial materail locally rather than importing from elsewhere. The city never cried of job losse when they were but caught up the deficiency with foresight and patience.
Thus a thorrough study of sociological thereby economical, admistrative(local as well as higher level) if undertaken and analysed useful lessons could be learnt as to why sbtle changes take place without voilent upheavals, tribute to the forbearance and mature response to required social changes and quick adjustmen to such.
Globalisation or otherwise. In india Globalisation means very little after independence. The internal trade liberalisation had to occure and did in short time. This prepared all for the imminent larger version.
The city comes up with the solutions for the problems and gets on. No brooding over seemingly lost chances or misfortunes(natural or man made)
The piece seems outofplace. NEVERTHELESS.
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