I agree with everyone who has written well about the Opel Astra. I myself have owned one, which I crashed, and then bought another, this time a Petrol Club.
It <br/>
is a great car to drive, with sleek looks and an awesome suspension.Mileage is a bit on the lower side, as the 1.6 multiport is a thirstymotor. However, the response and mileage improved by quite a bit once I started using high octane petrol in the car. Interiors are greattoo, with very thoughtful touches here and there.
I have two problems with the car: first, the headlights are too weak... the reason for the crash that I just mentioned is weakheadlights. I am having the same problem with my current car, eventhough I changed the bulbs to 100/90 from 60/55.
Second, the C pillar of my current car has started to rust in two small areas. On contactingthe company, they were quite indifferent, and said they would only paypart of the repair costs, even when faulty body treatment at the timeof assembly is entirely their fault. I guess they dont care as theastra is not being made anymore, infact the whole opel brand is beingkilled in India.
Is there anyone who can help with suggestionson how to improve the light intensity and spread? can anyone advise howto get aftermarket lights fitted on the car? Please provide yourfeedback/suggestions, and help me.
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