For all those looking for a Credit card, try the PNB Credit card. Writing the review here as no place for PNB Credit card as of now under Credit card section. Here are some plus points:-
Lifetime free(will discontinue the day they charge me).
No fuel surcharge on any petrol pump for transactions between Rs 400/- to Rs 3000/-
Timely statement on email(though the one by post has been delivered to I dont know whom, have lodged a complaint).
Reward points. For every Rs 100/- spent=1 point=Rs 0.5 which will get directly credited to the account and not sent as a voucher/gift for which one has to pay handling charges extra.
Toll free customer care no from any phone/mobile(have used Reliance & Airtel so far).
Helpful customer care.
Easy payment by the net-banking facility.
Immediate SMS on swiping to help you keep track of your spending.
Good and up-to-date interface on internet to keep a check on your account.
Though service backup by the PNB branches(the one near me in my case) is not upto the mark(for case of forwarding applications), but thats a once in a while problem.
Writing this as may be of help to some instead of running behind useless credit cards with false promises.
The tact of using any credit card is to pay your complete dues in time or else you will get in the cycle of paying high interest rates(The interest rates after 20/50 days are always very high). And also never draw cash using a credit card.