Nice water purifier from pure it. It has the essential components for purifying the water and it claims that one crore of bacteria is being killed in 1 litre of water. I am using this water for about 1 years and I did not experience any complain about this. this is very good. maintenance is also very good. you can open up the purifier parts, clean it again and simply assemble.
The first time when I was cleaning the filter carbon and paper one I saw lots of debris and impurities clogged in it. our society tank water which we previously used to drink just by simple cloth filter has impurities and no doubt everyones society or municipal water has impure water too. It is having filter life indicator which tells when to replace the filter and if you dont change it will self shut down the water flow. Thanks I am not worried about water purity now.
Best part is it doesnt run on electricity.